
Today version 1.6.0 of the smartics projectdoc add-on for Confluence has been released!




Please note that you have to upgrade the following doctype add-ons to work with this version of projectdoc:

Subject Homepage

The new Subject Homepage feature allows to define homepages for documents tagged with a given subject. This ways users can move a new page automatically by selecting a specific subject.

For more information please refer to the documentation of the space property projectdoc-subject-(subject-name)-home .

Default-only Space Properties

This feature allows to specify a user space property that only gets active if it is not overridden by a space property. This allows to override space properties with user space properties.

Fixes of several more Issues

For details on changes in this release, please refer to the release notes.

Note that the internal API has changed. Therefore older version of projectdoc doctype add-ons are not supported to work with projectdoc 1.6.0.